Heinz Ketchup Bottle

 For some unknown reason, many of us seem to think that banging on inanimate objects gets them to work faster. While it may work with an old TV set, the same cannot be said for a bottle of Heinz Ketchup. King88bet

Next time you sit down with your burger and fries and decide to add some flavor don't tap the bottom of the Ketchup bottle and expect it to come out faster. king88bet login alternatif

Instead, tap the middle tempat where the bottle's number '57', is located and see how much quicker it comes out. That being said, if speed is your bermain concern, as far as Ketchup bottles go, just place the bottle upside down in your fridge, and it will always come pouring out the hebat. Article Title with Blogger Published Link as Backlink


Hole in a Pen's Cap

If you've ever bought writing utensils in bulk, particularly the standar blue-capped pens there are in every office, then you may have noticed this next one. Usually, these pens have a hole in the lid.

The story behind pen caps is kind of like the sign in the zoo "don't feed the animals". If you fed them well, it probably wouldn't be an issue, but someone must have thrown in a lollypop at some poin and ended up choking some poor animal. Similarly, the panduan of pen lids didn't always have holes in them, but once nearly 100 people died from choking on their pen tops, the air hole was put in as a safety measure.


This one is a little weird. While gasoline is a known substance used primarily for powering cars, it can do much more than that. Besides that, gasoline can also unstick duct tape, and in some countries, like Germany and Sweden, it is even used for medicinal purposes.

As duct tape was created for use by the USA army, it only makes sense that it would require a poisonous toxin, such as gasoline, to strip the tape's adhesive. However.

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